

Dr. Curtis Brown is a family physician in Yukon, Oklahoma. He has been in practice for over 25 years providing care to numerous patients with a variety of problems. His undergraduate degree was obtained at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He attended medical school and his residency program at the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine.

He is passionate about helping people achieve their maximum potential in all areas of their lives. He is a man of deep faith and believes our lives are to be lived to bring glory to God. He has taught many classes in his church and is actively mentoring young men.

He and his wife, Kathy, have raised four children that are now grown and finding their way in the world. He and Kathy love the outdoors. They frequently travel to Colorado to climb a Fourteener. Dr. Brown has run numerous full and half marathons. He loves to quail hunt in western Oklahoma and can usually be found in the field on opening day.

Dr. Brown is a lifetime learner and is frequently taking online classes that challenge him to push his potential of influencing our world in a positive a way. He will always have at least one book he is reading. His latest reading list includes books on business, faith, and American history.